On 17 December 1996, six ICRC delegates, many on loan from National Societies, were assassinated at the ICRC hospital in the Chechen village of Novye Atagi. Over the years, this day has come to be a day to remember and honour all International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement personnel killed or injured while performing their vital humanitarian work.
We hereby pledge to:
Declare December 17 a Day of Remembrance for those within the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement who have lost their lives or been seriously injured in the course of their humanitarian duties. Tell the stories of those who have lost their lives so that they are not forgotten. Continue to promote awareness and understanding of IHL and in particular the protections afforded to humanitarian workers in times of armed conflict.
Action plan
– Day of Remembrance observed and commemorations held on 17 December each year
Pledge data
Pledge by Australian Red Cross and International Committee of Red Cross
Number: OP320009
Country: Australia, Canada, Finland, International, New Zealand, United States
Themes: Safe humanitarian access
Institution: International component, National Society
Pledge type: Open