Further to its pledge and the Decisions and commitments undertaken under Resolution 7 adopted by the 2011 Council of Delegates, the ICRC will continue to strengthen its commitment to work together with National Societies as its primary operational partner to provide concrete support in increasing their acceptance, safety/security and access to people in need, including those deprived of health care. These efforts will include supporting the concrete application of the Fundamental Principles, the Safer Access Framework and other Movement tools and approaches.
Action plan
- To continue to provide guidance and support to National Societies in their efforts to increase their acceptance, security and access, including to continue to deliver the Safer Access Assessment and Planning Workshops and provide or convene follow up support as per requests from the National Societies and as within ICRC means to do so.
- To provide opportunities for National Societies to identify and share good practice and explore solutions to their systemic and common challenges to their acceptance, security and access through the implementation of established peer support mechanisms.
Pledge data
Pledge by International Committee of Red Cross
Number: SP320135
Country: International
Themes: Capacity building, Fundamental principles, Movement cooperation, Organisational development, Partnership, Safe humanitarian access, Violence
Institution: International component
Pledge type: Specific