Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland June 30, 2017 United Kingdom
Health Care in Danger: Promoting domestic and global implementation Swedish Red Cross April 1, 2016 Sweden
Engagement de la Croix-Rouge de la République démocratique du Congo pour le développement du cadre pour un accès plus sûr Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of the Congo April 1, 2016 DR Congo
Iniciativa México-Francia para regular el uso del veto en casos de atrocidades en masa / Initiative France-Mexique d’encadrer le recours au veto en case d’atrocités de masse Mexico February 23, 2016 France, Mexico
Continuing to protect the delivery of health care in armed conflict or other emergencies International Committee of Red Cross January 12, 2016 International
Day of Remembrance Australian Red Cross December 22, 2015 Australia, Canada, Finland, International, New Zealand, United States