
National Society

Dick Clomén, Head of Policy dick.clomen@redcross.se

Swedish Red Cross is currently reviewing its own security routines for the whole organization with the aim to ensure safe access and security for our staff and volunteers.

Swedish Red Cross has not adopted any strategy for internal implementation. With regard to external actors we work in line with the Swedish Red Cross pledge (OP3200059) to mobilize the armed forces and Swedish health-care stakeholders, in particular Swedish ambulance services.


Swedish Red Cross communicates frequently through our internal channels on HCiD and relevant IHL-provisions. A dissemination campaign on HCiD wich involves volunteers. Swedish Red Cross is currently reviewing its own security routines for the whole organization with the aim to ensure safe access and security for our staff and volunteers.

A working group on the protection of health-care in armed conflicts has been established by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Swedish Red Cross is an active member with ambition to support the government and other actors to engage for the protection of health-care.
We have been working closely with parliamentarians to promote this issue and together we have developed a checklist för Swedish parliamentarians on the protection of health-care.