Responding to human trafficking of migrants in Europe
Maja Antonić
Voditeljica Ureda izvršnog predsjednika / Head of Office of the Executive President
Hrvatski Crveni križ / Croatian Red Cross
The Croatian Red Cross (CRC) provides direct assistance to adult victims of human trafficking (VoTs), including safe accommodation, psychosocial support, reintegration programme, humanitarian assistance and referrals to other relevant service providers.
During the migration crisis, strong humanitarian diplomacy with the authorities was developed in order to improve identification of potential or actual victims of human trafficking as well as further assistance and protection mechanism. Furthermore, CRC advocated towards the authorities for newly emerging trends and patterns in human trafficking to be better targeted and to harmonise the system of assistance and protection of victims in accordance with that.
The CRC developed different materials and tools, and conducted trainings on identification, protection and assistance to VoTs for frontline practitioners and volunteers working with migrants in fast transit as well as for staff working with asylum seekers in reception centres and in integration programme for beneficiaries under international protection. Together with relevant organizations included in the national referral mechanism, trainings for police officers and mobile team members were conducted.
Awareness raising and counselling sessions and information materials for asylum seekers and refugees on risks of HT were developed specifically for transit context and reception centres settings. Awareness raising activities were implemented for general public and youth, such as marking the European Anti-trafficking Day. Education sessions targeting teachers, preschool children, primary and high school children and youth, Police academy students as well as students of other relevant universities were implemented.