
Day of Remembrance

Julia Puccini, People and Organisational Effectiveness, jpuccini@redcross.org.au


For the last three years Australian Red Cross has marked the 17th December. The first remembrance day was in 2014 when we had a Red Cross staff member, Christoph Hensch (one of the survivors of the attack) speak to us about what happened that fateful day. 2015 saw us also have articles written in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, while 2016 was the first year we had reflections in around Australia in NSW, NT, QLD, SA, WA and both the VIC and National office.

Each year Remembrance Day consists of a morning reflection where stories of those that have passed away during the year are read and remembered. Candles are lit to remember those that have died while serving the Red Cross movement around the world.

The challenges that are faced every year are the lack of budget to perhaps enable other staff to come to share the reflection with for example our delegates that live all around not just Victoria but Australia. In the future perhaps we can try to arrange it to be broadcast over skype or youtube to enable more to participate.