
• Awareness raising about the ethical principles of health care among the key Kazakh RCS partners (including military forces, health authorities and relevant scientific communities) to ensure respect for these principles in all circumstances.
• Promoting and dissemination knowledge about the protective emblems where relevant. Conduct activities with the Government, military forces and health on adoption of legislation regulating the protection and use of the protective emblems and taking measures to promote a broad understanding and appropriate use of these emblems
• Developing and Conducting trainings for the Kazakh RCS staff, health authorities and all the stakeholders on the key issues of SAF
• Development and implementation of context-specific contingency plans and other relevant procedures to respond to operational challenges in a given context and coordination of plans with relevant state agencies
• Development of special information sets to include into the appropriate curricula materials on IHL for the military forces.
• Conducting activities with local insurance companies to provide a medical insurance for the NS staff taking part in RDRT during Emergency and Conflict situations

Action plan

1. Organization and conducting round tables and other meetings with the relevant state agencies
2. Development of information sets on HCiD and SAF with subsequent inclusion into the IHL presentations for the NS staff, health workers and military forces
3. Organization of Trainings for the teachers of medical universities and colleges

4. Organization and conducting of special events on IHL with students of law students

5. Share good practice on prevention of misuse of protective RC/RC/RC emblems

Pledge data

Pledge by Kazakh Red Crescent

Number: SP320154

Country: Kazakhstan

Themes: Health care in danger

Institution: National Society

Pledge type: Specific


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