To work collaboratively as an Asia Pacific regional National Society network within and beyond the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and increase engagement with states, to ensure all migrants have greater access to essential humanitarian services and protections.
For the years 2015-2019, we hereby pledge:
Research and Mapping
- Map the needs of migrants, National Society migration related programs, and other migration initiatives within the humanitarian space, in order to improve International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement presence and support in countries along the migration trail, particularly in countries of origin and destination.
Regional Event
- Strengthen support and collaboration between National Societies, through organising and participating where resources allow in an inaugural forum/round table of the Asia Pacific Migration Network (APMN).
Commitment to information and knowledge sharing
- Commit to sharing information, knowledge and data between National Societies within the Asia Pacific, to develop and enhance programs and initiatives that both support and address the needs of vulnerable migrants.
Engage in humanitarian diplomacy
- Support National Societies to work with the authorities on issues of concern at the national level through advocacy and stronger cooperation with government agencies.
Harness expertise within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- Progress and build on already developed relationships within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, to enable exchange of expertise and efforts with existing Red Cross and Red Crescent platforms (i.e. Doha Dialogue, Platform for European Cooperation on Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants (PERCO)) with a view to identify common approaches and leverage the impact of Red Cross and Red Crescent work.
Strengthen Partnerships
- Strengthen National Society partnerships with organisations and groups external to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, to develop and enhance strategies to assist vulnerable migrants, which are relevant to the regional and local context and in line with the Fundamental Principals (e.g. Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APPRN) and other regional networks, civil society groups and organizations).
Joint Coordination
- Joint coordination where possible between National Societies and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement when responding to humanitarian emergencies or disasters, which either effect migrants or result in migration.
Integrated approach to migration
- Diversify the approach to migration, to ensure those with various circumstances relating to gender, health, disability or age, have access to the essential services needed to ensure their wellbeing, reduce vulnerabilities and ensure inclusion.
Action plan
By 2017
- Mapping and research has been conducted, compiled and analysed, with information shared within Network.
- An Asia Pacific Migration Network forum / round table has occurred and participants have actively engaged in the discussions, planning and strategies as outlined in the ‘forum outcomes’.
By 2019
- A communication tool to provide information to National Societies has been developed and in use, consisting of programs, initiatives and strategies that aim to assist, support and respond to the humanitarian needs of migrants (which is user friendly, accessible and can be updated with ease).
- In relation to migration, the Asia Pacific Migration Network functions as a central point when coordinating information in times of humanitarian emergencies or disasters
- All National Societies in the Asia Pacific region are represented and contribute to the efficacy of the Asia Pacific Migration Network
Pledge data
Pledge by Australian Red Cross
Number: OP320032
Country: Australia, Republic of Korea
Themes: Auxiliary role, Migration, Movement cooperation
Institution: National Society
Pledge type: Open