In the context of the protracted and complex crises affecting the Mediterranean region, and the related humanitarian migration and refugee crisis, on May 28, 2015, the 26 delegations of the Mediterranean Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies recommended to reaffirm the importance of Migration-related issues and bring them to the attention of the 32nd International Conference, emphasizing that:
When people are impelled to move, in unsafe conditions, this may lead to tragic loss of lives. Moving could be the last chance that people have, and our commitment (as National Societies) is to make sure that they can move safely and that their right to live in dignity is respected
We have a shared duty to assist and protect vulnerable migrants, irrespective of their nationality, administrative or legal status
It is imperative for us as a Movement to harmonize our approaches, coordinate our humanitarian actions, think trans-regionally, and reinforce our auxiliary role to Public Authorities and engage them on the plight of migrants along the migratory routes
Action plan
Under the continued implementation of Resolution no. 3 of the 31st International Conference ‘Ensuring Access, Dignity, Respect for Diversity and Social Inclusion’, the signatories of the Pledge commit to:
1. Focus on reducing risk factors that put migrants in condition of vulnerability along migratory routes and develop partnerships with universities, NGOs, other institutions, and the private sector to strengthen Humanitarian Diplomacy and engage with the Movement in the protection of people on the move
2. Continue to focus on emergency health facilities, restoring family links (RFL), psychosocial support (PSS) as well as institutional preparedness and capacity development particularly in the field of social inclusion
3. Include youth (volunteers and young migrants) and migration in National Societies strategic plans
Evaluation criteria:
Indicator 1: inter-agency information and awareness raising actions at community level to be implemented in countries of origin, transit and destination, focusing amongst others, on human trafficking, with special attention to children and youth at risk
Indicator 2: National Societies will organize/participate in peer to peer capacity building trainings for their staff and volunteers, including Youth, on the specific domains of assistance, protection and advocacy, in the frame of their engagement in the Red Cross/Red Crescent Mediterranean Platform on Migration
Pledge data
Pledge by Spanish Red Cross
Number: OP320055
Country: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain
Themes: Auxiliary role, Capacity building, Discrimination, Migration, Volunteering, Vulnerable populations, Youth
Institution: National Society
Pledge type: Open