
· Frédéric Casier, frederic.casier@croix-rouge.be, Conseiller juridique en Droit international humanitaire et relations avec le Mouvement, Croix-Rouge de Belgique - Communauté francophone
· Laura De Grève, laura.degreve@rodekruis.be, IHL dissemination officer, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders

Very little


The Belgian Red Cross-Flanders doesn’t have information on how many volunteers have disabilities. We have a limited view on the number of staff working with disabilities, since this depends on their own notification. The percentage for staff with disabilities is approximately 0,4%.

More than 50%


La Croix-Rouge de Belgique-Communauté francophone a apporté quelques ajustements visant à favoriser le recrutement de personnes handicapées : Volonté de discrimination positive, rédaction de description de poste soucieuse d’atteindre des personnes atteintes de handicap et processus de recrutement adaptés au besoin.

The Belgian Red Cross-Flanders has improved the accessibility to its headquarters for persons with disabilities. The Belgian Red Cross-Flanders has not made any adjustments in its HR processes since 2015. In its recruitment policy we don’t discriminate, for example we ensure that job adverts are not written in a way that they exclude persons with disabilities. In case of recruitment of a person with disabilities, we apply possible government funds.


Yes - less than 50% of programs / services

Salles de formation

Adapted Vacations
Since 2006, the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders organizes Adapted Vacations for people who cannot go on holiday without help or support because of their disability, chronic disease or age.
Some of our guests never left their homes before, and enjoy their first holidays thanks to our project. For others it’s been already many years ago that they could enjoy a week’s holiday.
All our guests can be accompanied by their caregiver, partner, or friend.
The Adapted Vacations take place in fully adapted accommodations and are only possible thanks to the devotion of our team of enthusiastic volunteers who take care of the guests during the holidays.
Some of them are professionals (doctors, nurses and caretakers), others received a Red Cross training.
In 2016, 225 motivated volunteers took care of 431 guests with a disability during 15 weeks of holiday.

support and assistance services

Road safety, DRR and Disaster Preparedness

The Belgian Red Cross-Flanders has DP programmes in cooperation with other NS, in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Malawi. We will start a new DP programme next year in Tanzania. Road Safety is included in the First Aid programme of the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders in Nepal. First aid teams are trained to assist after road accidents.

La Croix-Rouge de Belgique – Communauté francophone a soutenu la Croix-Rouge de la République démocratique du Congo dans une campagne de sensibilisation à la sécurité routière pour prévenir le risque d’accidents dans la Province du Bas-Congo. Dans le cadre de cette campagne lancée fin 2015, les volontaires formés de la Croix-Rouge de la RDC ont diffusé des bonnes pratiques en matière de sécurité routière auprès des automobilistes et des enfants dans les écoles.


