Administration / logistic
Until when can I book my hotel?
The deadline for booking your hotel room is 15 October.
Please follow the instructions in the Practical information note to make your booking.
What is the deadline for obtaining a visa?
If you require a physical visa and cannot obtain it online, your deadline for requesting it is 15 October.
Please request your visa support letter from the EVENT registration system (if you need one).
Please do not forget to send a copy of your passport to the Turkish Red Crescent Society, following the instructions in the Practical information note.
What do I need to know about onsite registration?
Only delegates registered in EVENT can obtain a badge.
Only persons wearing a badge are allowed into the conference venue.
There is a registration tent in front of the conference venue.
You can obtain your badge as of 8 am on 4 November. Make sure you collect it as soon as possible to avoid queuing on the opening day of the General Assembly.
How do I get from the airport to my hotel?
There will be Welcome stands both at Istanbul and Antalya airports to welcome you and guide you.
You need to include your flight details in the EVENT online registration system.
You need to send your flight itinerary to
What meals are provided?
Your stay is on an “all-inclusive” basis.
You will have breakfast and dinner at the hotel you are staying at throughout your stay. You will have lunch before 6 and after 11 November at your hotel, although on 5 November you can also have lunch at the conference venue hotel, if you wish.
From 6 to 11 November, you will have your lunch and coffee breaks at the Kaya Palazzo and Belek Hotels where the meetings will be taking place.
IFRC elections
Who can vote?
Only the chiefs of delegation are authorized to vote. Chiefs of delegation must come to the General Assembly with their conference badge (which includes a photo ID).
Any chief of delegation unable to cast the vote for his/her delegation must delegate the voting power to another member of the delegation using a proxy form. Proxy forms shall also be available at the Registration Desk. As the proxy will not have a picture ID on their conference badge, they must bring a photo ID with them. To be valid, proxy forms must be signed by the chief of delegation and submitted at the Registration Desk in good time for the attention of the Election Committee before the vote takes place on the first day of the General Assembly.
How and when can I get my voting ID?
In order to vote, the chiefs of delegation (or proxies) will need to collect a sealed envelope containing their voter ID and password so as to confirm their identity when they are casting their vote. Chiefs of delegation must come with their conference badge (which includes a photo ID) and proxies must bring a photo ID.
Each delegation’s sealed envelope is available to collect from the Registration Desk as of 4 November 2017 and before the opening of the election session.
PLEASE NOTE: No sealed envelopes will be distributed or available in the Plenary Room. It is therefore vital that the chiefs of delegation (or their proxies using a proxy form) collect their sealed envelopes at the Registration Desk in good time before the voting commences.
How can I vote?
All voting will take place by secret ballot in the Plenary Room with the use of an electronic voting mechanism to ensure the secrecy of the vote.
Voters will cast their vote in secret on their own electronic device (mobile, tablet or laptop). Alternatively, voters may use the tablets at their disposal in allocated voting booths in the Plenary Room. The links to the electronic voting platform will be shared with voters in the Plenary Room.
When can I vote?
The elections will take place on the first day of the General Assembly on 6 November 2017 at 3 pm. We will keep you updated on the time as the Assembly proceeds.
Further to the Constitutional amendments of 2015, the elections are grouped into two voting rounds. The first voting round will be for the President and the Vice Presidents, who will be elected at the same time. This will be followed by a second voting round for National Society members of the Governing Board.
Where can I find the list of candidates?
The list of candidates can be found on FedNet at the Elections 2017 page, along with the supporting nomination forms translated into the four working languages.
Council of Delegates proceedings
Do I need to register for the Council of Delegates workshops?
No registration is required for the Council of Delegates workshops. Delegates are free to choose the topics that interest them. There will only be two workshops taking place at any one time, with full interpretation (English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian). We highly recommend that delegations participate in all the workshops.
Is there a Drafting Committee at the Council of Delegates?
No, there is no Drafting Committee at the Council of Delegates. All the resolutions will be discussed and adopted at the plenary. Minor changes to the resolutions will be revised directly during the plenary. Otherwise, an ad-hoc working group will be formed to work on major substantive changes and present a revised text to the plenary for adoption.
Will all Council of Delegates agenda items allow for interventions from the floor?
Agenda items concerning resolutions proposed for adoption will allow for interventions from the floor. Delegations may request permission to speak on the spot (Rule 18, Rules of Procedure of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement).
Interventions during the workshops will follow the above-mentioned rule.
The Council of Delegates progress reports will not be introduced separately and will only allow for interventions if the organizers are notified in advance of the request to address a specific progress report (as described in the Council of Delegates agenda and programme).
Conference feedback
How can I provide feedback?
This year, we are collecting your feedback in a different way. It is not like a survey. Be heard and provide your feedback throughout the meetings by describing short experiences that delighted or disappointed you. This will allow you to share your opinion with simple visualizations. It only takes 5 minutes to share an experience.
There are many ways to share your feedback:
- You can follow the conference feedback link that will be shared on the Statutory Meetings website at the beginning of November.
- You can visit our conference feedback stand at the exhibition hall.
- You can find one of our feedback volunteers who will have an iPad to help you share your experiences.