Strengthening local humanitarian action, with a strong focus on the Pacific
Michael Annear, Manager Asia Pacific Programs,
Note: This report has been prepared jointly with Government
Joint progress towards this pledge includes:
- Annual High Level Dialogue between ARC and DFAT Humanitarian Branch to discuss the broader partnership, including issues around improved coordination of international response efforts and commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit.
- ARC commissioned research on achieving a more appropriate and fit for purpose humanitarian reflecting the agreed commitments to strengthening local humanitarian action, particularly in the Pacific. Discussions are underway with DFAT Humanitarian Branch regarding further sector wide dialogue on the research and approach to the localisation of aid.
- ARC and DFAT collaborate on the Pacific Local Supplier Engagement this project aimed at improving the capacity of local government, the private sector and humanitarian actors to effectively plan for and deliver goods and services required for disaster response in the Pacific. The initiative focuses on bringing local actors together to: stimulate local markets to better plan for emergencies; establish business continuity systems; and to have improved capacity to support disaster response programs, supported by the development of a new digital platform.
- Following Tropical Cyclone Winston in February 2016, ARC and DFAT participated in a joint lessons learned meeting which identified the overall strengthen in partnership during the response effort.
- ARC actively supports the regional gender and diversity network which is focused on taking forward gender and diversity issues contextualised to the Pacific context.
- ARC also supported roll-out of the Sexual and Gender Based Violence Resolution in the Pacific including: piloting the SGBV in Emergencies global training module for Pacific Gender and Diversity network members, support to the evidence-based research study on Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Emergencies (Samoa) that includes engagement with Government, Community and civil society; piloting of community based violence prevention (Vanuatu).
- A review of the Emergency Response Team training guide used by ARC across the Pacific was undertaken to include aspects of gender and inclusion.