Over 30 % of the Georgian population has being exposed to catastrophic events such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, mudslides, hails, etc., especially in rural areas, having limited access to medical services due to the socio-economic challenges and with high numbers of cases caused by trauma and/or external factors as a result of daily emergencies/accidents. The national and community capacities to address above-mentioned challenges remain weak. The state has recently started to rebuild its capacities in disaster preparedness, which proves the need of developing and expanding First Aid within communities in both urban and rural areas. There is still no agency responsible for developing community First Aid as well as no State Strategy and Policy, legislative acts, national standards related to First aid in the country that make first aid compulsory, for instance, at the workplace or when applying for a driving license.
It is expected that the development of the First Aid law will be a part of the State Strategy on Health that is under preparation process and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs of Georgia in close collaboration and consultations with respective government institutions, the Georgia Red Cross Society having an European First Aid Certificate (EFAC) and assigned special tasks in the National Plan towards supporting provision of first aid and medical care as well as organizing field hospitals, as well as other CSOs and INGOs will initiate and work on First Aid law to be adopted by the Legislature of Georgia.
Based on its and the Movement partners’ expertise and knowledge, the Georgia Red Cross Society will assist respective government institutions in reinforcing a dialogue on assessing (e.g. daily accidents, including road accidents, cases during disasters/emergencies, etc.) and strengthening efforts towards developing the First Aid law in synergy of actions of state authorities, CSO network and other key stakeholders
Action plan
Action plan
- Cooperate with the state actors and key stakeholders; (Participate in founding/forming working group/ committee consisted of representatives of different ministries such as MoLHSA, MoE, MIA, Ministry of Justice and etc., GRCS and other stakeholders, conduct working communication, round-table meetings, organize/participate in the workshops, share information, comments, feedbacks on relevant documents),
- Support state in conducting surveys/research about existing laws related to First Aid; (Developing research reports and sharing recommendations drafted on existing law),
- Strengthen the capacities of the NS to complement the states and stakeholders in developing First Aid regulations and services in the country; (implement # of thematic projects, participate in the workshops at local and international levels, conduct trainings for GRCS staff and volunteers and etc.),
- Support state in identifying gaps related to First Aid (through involving GRCS volunteers and community members-beneficiaries of GRCS programs),
- Cooperate with the IFRC Global First Aid Reference Centre and other RCRC Movement partners (held working communication/mobilize technical expertise to support in resolving regulatory problems/share international experience),
- Cooperate with state and key stakeholders in process of drafting First Aid law (participate in the working meetings, conduct distance work through providing comments and feedbacks),
- Cooperate with state and other stakeholders in reviewing laws and procedures for the promotion and provision of regular first aid trainings (mandatory trainings for school children and teachers, for driver’s license applicants and workplace FA trainings),
- Cooperate with the states on assessing and strengthening laws on legal liability to make community roles and responsibilities in providing First Aid clear and to reduce anxiety of first aiders about potential legal liability in case their good faith efforts are not successful.
Pledge data
Pledge by Red Cross Society of Georgia
Number: SP320163
Country: Georgia
Themes: Disaster laws, Disaster response, Disaster risk reduction, First aid
Institution: National Society
Pledge type: Specific