Recalling the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement which recognise the role played by National Societies in disseminating and assisting their governments to fulfil their legal obligations to disseminate IHL, and building on the already strong and positive work being done in this regard, the Australian Government and Australian Red Cross hereby pledge for the years 2016-2019:
- To continue to work together as key domestic partners in promoting and disseminating international humanitarian law amongst key stakeholders in Australia including on themes that relate to outcomes of International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent as well as other IHL priorities in the Australian domestic context.
- To continue to work together to promote the dissemination, of, as well as compliance with, international humanitarian law, in Australia and amongst our partners in the Asia Pacific.
Action plan
• Participation by Australian Red Cross in military exercises and training for the Australian Defence Force, where appropriate.
• Briefings and training to Australian Government personnel on IHL and the role of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, particularly those likely to be deployed to conflict-affected and fragile states, where appropriate.
• Joint hosting of public events within Australia.
• Joint provision of targeted and tailored training programs to key stakeholders within Australia.
• Providing support to National Societies and governments in the Asia-Pacific to engage on IHL issues.
• Collaboration in order to publish resources on international humanitarian law within Australia and in the Asia Pacific.
Pledge data
Pledge by Australia and Australian Red Cross
Number: SP320107
Country: Australia
Themes: IHL dissemination
Institution: Government, National Society
Pledge type: Specific