For the years 2016 – 2019, the Australian Government and Australian Red Cross hereby pledge:
- To work to ensure that disaster risk reduction, as guided by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2015-2030, is seen as a shared responsibility across all sectors of Australian society – individuals, communities, and businesses, the not-for-profit sector and all levels and sectors of government.
- To continue to develop the evidence base to support DRR, promote and share best practice in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery efforts in order to continue to build Australia’s resilience to disasters.
- To support building the capacity of members of the Australian community more at risk to the impacts of disasters, including but not limited to children, women, people with a disability, refugees and asylum seekers, remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Action plan
- Explore avenues to continue to implement the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience.
- Contribute to the development of a research agenda in preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery, including through the Bushfire and Natural Hazard Cooperative Research Centre.
- Explore opportunities to improve investment in disaster risk reduction and mitigation.
- Continue to highlight policy matters in resilience through the Red Cross’ National Disaster Resilience Roundtables
Pledge data
Pledge by Australia and Australian Red Cross
Number: SP320112
Country: Australia
Themes: Capacity building, Community resilience, Disability inclusion, Disaster risk reduction, Vulnerable populations, Women, Youth
Institution: Government, National Society
Pledge type: Specific
Australian Red Cross