In the legal framework of the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (The Hague Convention of 1954, 1st Protocol of 1954 and 2nd Protocol of 1999, Additional Protocols of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949),
The [name of the National Society], according to its mandate to disseminate international humanitarian law and to cooperate with its Government to ensure respect for international humanitarian law, commits to:
- Advocate to its Government for the ratification of the above mentioned treaties;
- Enhance the dissemination of the rules on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and, more generally, risk preparedness, to the relevant stakeholders, including the armed forces;
- Encourage its Government to set up a standing working group on protection of cultural property, or another similar body, within the National Committee for the implementation of IHL or equivalent in order to support the implementation of the legal framework on protection of cultural property;
- Actively participate in such a working group on the protection of cultural property, or another similar body, in order to support the implementation of the legal framework on protection of cultural property;
- Encourage its Government to take the practical, regulatory and legislative measures necessary to fully comply with the rules of the above mentioned treaties.
Action plan
Pledge data
Pledge by Administrator
Number: MP028
Country: International
Themes: Cultural heritage
Pledge type:
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