
National Society

Steve Ray, Manager, Disaster and Crisis Response, sray@redcross.org.au

Dissemination of the Principles and Rules to NS staff and volunteers, Training/ workshop/integration of the Principles and Rules into training , Peer to peer exchange (e.g. with other National Society)

- Australian Red Cross encourages international programs staff and delegates to complete the IFRC online training module on the Principles and Rules, and the Principles and Rules are integrated into IMPACT training which is held annually.
- Australian Red Cross share best-practice and challenges with other components of the Movement and strengthen partnerships with other stakeholders in promoting the safety and security of volunteers.
- Australian Red Cross encourages government and other relevant stakeholders to develop and or maintain national systems for the collection and dissemination of comprehensive data, including sex and age disaggregated data, relevant to the safety and security of humanitarian volunteers, consistent with national laws.
