

Name: Ms. Ana Pereira
Function: Legal counsellor at the Department of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal
Email: ana.costapereira@mne.pt

Adopt national legislation related to volunteer protection, trainings, a national system for the collection and dissemination of comprehensive data, including sex and age disaggregated data, measures to promote public understanding and acceptance of the role of humanitarian volunteers, integration of measures to protect volunteer safety and security in national laws, policies, plans and programmes for emergency management, regularly share challenges and good practices, considered providing support to other countries, as donors, in accordance with national legislation and the humanitarian principles, Offering/Sharing expertise and resources

In Portugal, the Law establishing the Legal Basis for Volunteering (i.e. Law Nr. 71/98, of 3 November 1998) and the law regulating the conditions for volunteering (i.e. Decree-Law Nr. 389/99, of 30 September 1999) recognise the volunteer’s rights to a safe and healthy volunteering environment, to insurance and to adequate compensation for any accident or illness suffered during volunteering activities or because of them.