

Ingrid Schøyen
Senior Adviser
Section for Humanitarian Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs





Ingrid Schøyen
Senior Adviser
Section for Humanitarian Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Information on The Law on Armed Conflict, as well as the Geneva Conventions, is a mandatory part of the basic soldier education in the Norwegian Armed Forces as well as in the curriculums in the Norwegian Staff College and War Academies. In addition to the theoretical education, compliance to these principles are being trained during exercises in Norway, as well as an integrated part of the predeployment training for all Norwegian Armed Forces before deploying to international operations. During deployment, Norwegian forces always include education- and training on The Law of Armed Conflict as well as the Geneva Conventions when they participate in capacity building of local armed groups (for example in Iraq). Hence, the protection of the wounded and the sick and healthcare services is in fact integrated into training, doctrine and operational orders and procedures for the Norwegian Armed Forces in national- and international operations.