
National Society

Wendy Ward (wendy.ward@redcross.org); Sydney Morton (sydney.morton@redcross.org): International Policy and Partnerships


HCiD has been one of the thematic priority areas for our International Humanitarian Law education programs. The IHL team has hosted trainings and public events for staff, volunteers, and the general public on HCiD issues. Additionally, the IHL team trained our youth education staff and volunteers on HCiD legal obligations, which were incorporated in 2016 IHL youth outreach campaigns for tens of thousands of young people.

Finally, the IHL team is planning a follow up public event in the fall of 2017 on HCiD discussing the US obligations and implementations of the UN Secretary General’s recommendations on HCiD.


HCiD is included in ARC staff/volunteers trainings on IHL and the fundamental principles.

The IHL team has regular discussions on HCiD issues with the US Department of Defense. The HCiD public event in 2017 will feature a speaker from the DOD Policy Office, which recently released a “Statement of Principles” on HCiD, explaining the US military’s understanding of its legal obligations to protect healthcare workers and facilities in armed conflict. The invited speaker will address US efforts to implement legal and policy initiatives on HCiD.