
Rikke Ishøy, chief strategic advisor, riish@rodekors.dk

To some extent


On principle, we do not ask and do not register whether a person volunteering or working for the DRC is affected by disabilities.

More than 50%


Bot to the HR processes as such, but significant changes has been made to the physical structures (DRC HQ) making access a lot easier.




All our services are open to persons with disabilities, and many would be relevant, for example accompanying services for people who have difficulties leaving their house. This is primarily a service for elderly individuals, whereof some may be wheelchair users etc. However, as stated above, we do not register how many of our beneficiaries are affected by disabilities.

DRR and Disaster Preparedness

One of our DRR services make use of the volunteers' detailed knowledge of the local environment and vulnerable individuals for risk reduction purposes.




Other organisations in Denmark are very efficient advocates on disability issues.