
Melissa Green, Executive Assistant to Director Community Programs, mgreen@redcross.org.au
Leda Tyrrel, Protection Gender and Inclusion Practice Lead, ltyrell@redcross.org.au

To a large extent


While Australian Red Cross collects some information about disability, the data does not enable us to quantify what number or percentage of our staff and volunteers are people with disability

Less than 50%


Yes. Australian Red Cross implemented a Recruitment Implementation Plan in 2016/17 which put in place more inclusive systems and practices for people with disability


Australian Red Cross is a member of the Australian Network on Disability which is a peak body for organisations to be more inclusive of people with disability. We also have a collegiate relationship with People with Disability Australia, including a representative of this organisation being a member of our Disability Action Plan implementation group

In addition, Australian Red Cross has extensive service relationships with disability specialist organisations as a consequence of the services that we provide to people with disability and to clients across our programs who have disability

Yes - less than 50% of programs / services

Australian Red Cross has specific services which are targeted at people with disability including being Disability Employment Service provider, the provider of a respite service for children with disability, recovery based mental health services and home and community care for people with disability.

There are reforms in the Australian system about how services to people with disability are provided. Australian Red Cross is considering what services and role it will take in the National Disability Insurance Scheme which is being implemented by Australian governments

support and assistance services, rehabilitation services, economic independence programmes, social, sport and cultural services

DRR and Disaster Preparedness

Australian Red Cross’ Emergency REdiplan includes advice for people with a disability, and sessions can be tailored to specific audiences, depending upon the requests. REdiplan has also been translated into AUslan (sign language), and workshops have been run in New South Wales (NSW) with the NSW Deaf Society. A funding proposal with the National Disability Inclusion Scheme (NDIS) is currently being considered for a nation wide roll out.

Through international programs, Australian Red Cross also supports work to integrate disability inclusion into disaster preparedness, disaster risk management and community resilience programs in Myanmar (in partnership with MRCS) and Philippines (in partnership with PRCS)


As part of Mental Health Week some Australian Red Cross programs undertake public awareness activities

Yes - more than once a year


Australian Red Cross is liaising with governments around the implementation of the NDIS and refocussing Disability Employment Services and other service reforms. The nature of this liaison is primarily around the design and operation of the service system for people with disability.