
National Society

Leda Tyrell, Protection Gender and Inclusion Practice Lead, ltyrell@redcross.org.au


In partnership with IFRC, Australian Red Cross has been working to support implementation of the SGBV Resolution in the Asia-Pacific region including in the following areas:
- Evidence-Based Research: SGBV in Disasters country based research in collaboration with NS, States, communities and other regional organisations (i.e. ASEAN) to build evidence base and develop specific recommendations to prevent, mitigate and respond to SGBV in disasters, including links to disaster law program. Country studies include: Myanmar, Bangladesh, Samoa, Indonesia, Laos and the Philippines

- Capacity building and training for RC Staff and Volunteers: Support to the development, co-facilitation (of Pacific training), and roll-out of Movement wide training modules on SGBV in Emergencies for RC staff and volunteers, including regional trainings in Pacific, South Asia and South-East Asia

- Prevention, Mitigation and response activities: Support to violence prevention community-based interventions in Vanuatu, Mongolia and Bangladesh. Integration of SGBV prevention, mitigation and response into emergency programming including through the IFRC Gender and Diversity Minimum Standard Commitments in Emergencies

- Australian Red Cross has engaged in discussions with the Australian Civil Military Centre regarding SGBV and Women, Peace & Security

- Australian Red Cross attended an IFRC convened workshop in Beirut in October 2016 and contributed to the development of a draft training outline and content for Movement-wide training for Red Cross staff and volunteers on prevention and response to sexual and gender based violence in emergencies; following this Australian Red Cross is working with IFRC to support the piloting and roll-out of this training in the Asia-Pacific region through 3 regional trainings (South Asia, South-East Asia, Pacific). ARC will co-facilitate the training in the Pacific with IFRC, National Societies and CARE

- Australian Red Cross is a member of the SGBV global working group and works closely with IFRC to support National Societies in the Asia-Pacific region regarding implementation of the SGBV resolution

- Domestically, Australian Red Cross recognises that there is an opportunity to encourage the Australian Government to implement domestic legislation, policies and procedures related to disaster and emergency plans to ensure due attention to SGBV

No specific challenges.

No specific support.