
National Society

Gabriela Poller-Hartig, Head of International Relations, gabriela.poller-hartig@roteskreuz.at


Gender-based violence has become an integrated part of some of ARC projects domestically as well as in our international programs.

In the domestic area for example the ARC has taken part in EU funded projects like MILCEA which also looks on sexual and gender-based violence against elderly people. MILCEA contributes to prevention of elder abuse. The subordinated goal is to develop a monitoring system that allows the assessment of elder abuse in long term care as a precondition for prevention.

In one of its international aid projects which is conducted togehter with ERCS in Ethiopia/Shalla we have defined a training focus on gender based violence.

Challenges have to be seen as the project in Ethiopia started only this year.

Sharing of best practice examples would be appreciated. Especially also about working with men and boys in this field.