
National Society

Eeva Holopainen, Special Advisor to Secretary General, Finnish Red Cross, eeva.holopainen@redcross.fi


Finnish Red Cross (FRC) supports every year several ICRC operations that implement various activities related to the Resolution.
Resolution part II: Sexual and gender based violence in disasters and other emergencies /Preparedness and response
Resolution part III: Movement implementation, cooperation and partnerships (aspects on Prevention, mitigation and response to SGBV)

- FRC has participated in the consultation process of the Finnish National Action Plan for 2017-2020 ( UN Security Council Resolution 1325 ”Women, Peace and Security”) contributing to outcomes/outputs related to SGBV (prevention, support and protection) in humanitarian context. The process was led by the governmental officials and taken part by various national and civil society organizations.
- FRC Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Health Clinics (e.g. 3 clinics in Greece 2016-2017) have provided health care services (incl. sexual and reproductive health-care services), referrals and psychosocial support for victims of SGBV. The support to the survivors has been implemented and organized in cooperation and collaboration with local (health) authorities and other humanitarian organizations (specialized in GBV, mental health and/or child protection).

- FRC is a member of the IFRC-led global gender network as well as SGBV working group, supporting and participating in the tasks and work of the groups. FRC has supported:
• the IFRC Geneva Gender Advisors office in systematic incorporation of gender and diversity in all programmes, services and revision of tools. Revised minimum standards include e.g. provisions on SGBV response and prevention.
• “The Seven Moves” - Gender and Diversity in Emergencies training in three regions.
• RC/RC Movement wide work on reducing inequality, gender discrimination and SGBV of the children on the move in partnership with International Social Services. One outcome of the partnership is the development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with the aim of building bridges between the humanitarian sector and alternative care professionals to improve responses to children on the move with specific focus on SGBV. FRC funding contributed to the Desk Research for the MOOC, including mapping of laws and practices regarding protection of children on the move

In many countries SGBV , sexual violence in particular, is a taboo; it is often hidden or denied due to cultural reasons and in fear of getting isolated or neglected by the family and community. Therefore, addressing the need to include this topic/these aspects in the programmes, and getting acceptance by the host-NS and communities takes time.
