
National Society

Wendy Ward (wendy.ward@redcross.org); Sydney Morton (sydney.morton@redcross.org) : International Policy and Partnerships


The American Red Cross IHL team regularly hosts trainings on the legal and policy frameworks forbidding sexual and gender based violence in armed conflicts and disasters, as well as promoting prevention strategies, protection and access to justice mechanisms for survivors, trainings for humanitarian implementers, etc.

· The gender focal point for ARC sits on the RC Movement Working Group on Gender and Diversity with a focus on SGBV

· The gender focal point for ARC attended a “Seven Moves” training of trainers hosted by the IFRC

· The American Red Cross has hosted a training for ARC Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific International Services delegates on gender and diversity

· Panel event held at American Society of International Law on “Combatting ISIL: Achieving Justice for Sexual and Gender Based Crimes” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVjP6WG4-p0

· Women and War Conference presentation on SGBV in Armed Conflict

· SAFE Conference Keynote on Trafficking, SGBV, and Armed Conflict

· American Society of International Law Research Forum presentation on SGBV in Armed Conflict

· Annual lecture series with George Washington University on “Gender and Conflict”

· IntlawGrrls 10th Anniversary Conference presentation on SGBV in Armed Conflict

· London School of Economics Gender and New Wars Conference presentation on SGBV in Armed Conflict

· Emory Law School lecture on gender and conflict

· Advanced IHL training on sexual violence in armed conflict

We would love to do a more thorough job of training national society staff on SGBV prevention and response before international deployments and for international staff.

We are proud to be a part of the RC Movement gender and diversity working group (which works on the SGBV resolution).