
Pledge on Training on the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in armed conflict and complex emergencies

Sharonya Sekhar
Policy Advisor, International Operations
Canadian Red Cross


The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) has entered an agreement with the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to conduct a joint project towards implementing the pledge. The project’s objective is to systematically integrate effective and appropriate training on conflict-related sexual violence into CAF education and professional training offered to and by the CAF. This includes incorporating training on conflict-related sexual violence in all appropriate learning fora within the CAF including: Law of armed conflict (LOAC) training; pre-deployment training; training which is offered to other armed forces in Canada and abroad. This will include the completion of an assessment of the current levels of information and training which is already provided against which priorities will be established for future development and enhancements. The project has the following deliverables:

1.    A baseline assessment of existing information and training which members of the CAF receive on CRSV.
2.    A baseline assessment of existing information and training which members of the CAF deliver to other foreign militaries and/or armed actors.
3.    Identify priority stakeholders
4.    Necessary tools and materials have been identified to increase training on CRSV
5.    New tools and materials have been included in training

Project implementation has not yet begun. With the appointment of a new Judge-Advocate General and Director of the Directorate of International and Operational Law, renewed efforts are being made to move the project forward.

The CRC has facilitated contact with the CAF and an ICRC researcher doing comparative analysis of national military doctrine pertaining to conflict related sexual violence. This will ensure that Canadian doctrine is represented in the comparative study.

In addition, as part of our IHL education activities, we continue to highlight SGBV within our academic conferences across the country.  Most recently, we held a conference in April 2017 at the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec related to violence against women as a key international humanitarian issue and brought together legal experts to engage in dialogue.