
National Society

Gabriela Poller-Hartig, Head of International Relations, gabriela.poller-hartig@roteskreuz.at

Security is in the field of ambulance services permanent on the agenda of trainings and education; nevertheless the overall situation in Austria is very secure and safe. Incidents during ambulance operations are down to almost zero. (out of 3.8 million transports, about 0.001 percent)

In terms of preparedness the ARC put in place a new operational concept in 2017 which will be followed in cases of terror attacks or rampage.

Security and de-escaltion trainings are part of the schedule of EMT and paramedics training.

The Health Care in Danger campaign was supported on ARC new and social media channels. See for example: http://www.roteskreuz.at/nocache/berichten/fotos/weltrotkreuztag-2015/

Twice a year the acutal security situation in Austria is revewied by operational managers of the ARC. Should these analyses show results and needs for changes, curricula, operational tactics, protective gears or security mechanisms are adjusted accordingly.

The ARC has analysed Resolution 4 – Health Care in Danger- by the legal department with a view to establish the relevance for the Austrian national context and to find out whether any legislative or other action might be necessary to implement the resolution.

With regard to resolution 4 the results of the analysis indicate that in the absence of armed conflict, civil unrest, major disasters or other situations of violence and in light of the existing rules and regulation which are already in force in Austria there does not seem to be an need for any major implementation measures.

Nevertheless there could be a need for additional research on the issue to understand the reasons for attacks on health care facilities in situations of conflict even better.

Results of our analysis were shared with the national IHL commission in early 2016.