
Soins de santé en danger – Formation des personnels de santé

Conseiller, Service Public Fédéral Affaires étrangères
E-mail: alexis.goldman@diplobel.fed.be


Actions taken:

  • The Belgian Red Cross has drafted in July-September 2016 an action plan for its IHL activities in 2017-2021 and has included HCiD as one of the main issues of advocacy. Furthermore, IHL training activities of the medical personnel (civilian and military – to be further defined) and training or information sessions on HCiD for staff members of the National Society are included.
  • In June 2016, the Working Group on IHL dissemination of the National Committee of IHL chaired by the Belgian Red Cross, decided to start a reflection on a strategy to approach the medical personnel members and whether specific IHL dissemination activities focused on their rights and responsibilities and on the protection and the uses of the emblems should be developed. A note stating the current state of affair was drafted between June and November. The note highlights the need to strengthen IHL dissemination for medical personnel, especially civil personnel (professionals and students in medicine) through a specific course or existing general courses of IHL, seminars or conferences, and existing materials including those developed by the ICRC. The next steps will consist in: developing a strategy to promote the existing IHL courses to the target audience; information document on IHL basic rules for Health care personnel and protection of the emblems. These initiatives may be supported by the relevant authorities.

Some concrete actions have however been undertaken to train the medical personnel:

  • The inclusion of the Belgian Red Cross in the program ‘Tropical Medicine for bachelors in nursing and midwifery (postgraduate) of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp (May 2017).
  • In June 2016, the Belgian Ministry of Defence and the Belgian Red Cross met in order to agree upon an action plan for July 2016-June 2017 according to the cooperation bilateral agreement concluded between the two partners. This plan of action provides several training activities of IHL, including a possible cooperation between the National Society and the medical component of the Defence to implement Resolution 4 of the 32nd International Conference and the Belgian pledge on training of the medical personnel (SP320115). An information session proposed by the National Society to the medical component, on the Movement, IHL and the HCiD initiative may be confirmed in the near future.


  • The most important challenges would be to identify the main stakeholders who could benefit from the trainings on HCiD and to prioritize them.
  • A second challenge would be to embed the information in the programs of medical personnel instead of having ad hoc formation sessions.