
Eeva Holopainen, Special Advisor to Secretary General, Finnish Red Cross, eeva.holopainen@redcross.fi

To some extent


The number of staff is known (less than 5), number of volunteers not.

More than 50%


Attention has been paid to accessibility of documents as well as buildings.


Consultation of Abilis/Finland in order to enchance accessibility of trainings, ERUs as well as other facilities.

Yes - less than 50% of programs / services

FRC promotes disability-inclusive activities in its projects and programmes. Development cooperation projects include vulnerability and capacity assessments (VCA) or community assessments to identify the most vulnerable groups (such as people with disabilities (PWD)) in the target communities. Activities are non-discriminatory and an engagement of all community members is actively promoted.

Yet, FRC has recognized that there is a need to improve the understanding of the specific needs of PWDs among FRC and partner national society staff. Therefore, FRC has established a partnership with Abilis foundation (a Finnish organization working for PWDs) whose expertise has been (and will be) utilized in trainings and in the field work.

rehabilitation services

Medical services in international operations. None domestically.

DRR and Disaster Preparedness


Yes - less than once a year
