
National Society

LL.M Nuška Jerman, Legal Advisor and HR Senior Officer

Dissemination of the Principles and Rules to NS staff and volunteers, Other

The Slovenian Red Cross takes an active part in international initiatives and events in this regard, focusing on the Movement logo. Disemination and strengthening respect for fundamental principle of the Movement and its underpinned values is a constant and top priority task for Slovenian Red Cross. In commemoration of 50th anniverars of funadamental principles adaptation Slovenian RC issued a special leafleat emphasizing humanitarian values and skills necessary in order to carry out and respect fundamental principles in day to day humanitarian activities. Traditional RC week from 8th – 15th May was also dedicated to this topic aiming on promoting mutual respect, non-violence and social inclusion among general public.
Fundamental principles and its values were put to another test during the migration crisis in Slovenia. In order to advocate for the most vulnerable and disseminate fundamental principles Slovenian RC organized special, short courses for RC volunteers and large influx of new volunteers and issued a special guide for volunteers in action. Also the highest governance body of Slovenian RC – General Assembly – issued a statement calling on impartiality and humanity – in order to ensure an inclusive society with culture of non – violence and mutual respect.
Special task force was established at the SRC HQ in order for promotion and strengthening of FP and IHL, preparing training and events both for internal (Local Branch secretaries) and external (media, authorities) public.
