

Caroline Hancock-Ebner
Programme Officer
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Domain Humanitarian Aid and SHA / Multilateral Humanitarian Affairs Division

Necessary legislative, regulatory and practical measures are in place. Switzerland continues its dialogue with other States, international organisations and other stake-holders to examine any further measures aimed at strengthening existing measures.

Switzerland has provided financial support for the establishment of a position in the “Attacks on Health” project of the World Health Organization WHO to support the collection and analysis of data in this field.

see under point 1

Caroline Hancock-Ebner
Programme Officer
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Domain Humanitarian Aid and SHA / Multilateral Humanitarian Affairs Division

Switzerland promotes regularly the topic of the protection of the medical mission at multilateral level (e.g. General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC) as well as in dedicated meetings (e.g. Universal meeting of national IHL commissions, held in Geneva in November/December 2016). Particular attention is given to the issue in the context of the NY-based Gropu of Friends on Protection of Civilians, chaired by Switzerland. Furthermore, Switzerland alongside Canada established an informal group of States as well as ICRC, WHO and MSF on the topic of implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2286. This group aims at nourishing the momentum since the adoption of resolution 2286 including through exchange of best practice and information around the topic . In this connection, Switzerland organized a high-level side-event (together with Canada) at the World Health Assembly in May 2017 as well as a side-event (together with Colombia) at the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment in June 2017which reflected the urgency to act and mapped out concrete courses of action for the implementation of resolution 2286.

Switzerland will suggest the Module “mother and child” developed by the Division of Humanitarian Aid /Rapid Response to be integrated in the certified “Specialized Medical Care Team” course at the WHO in 2018.

see under point 1