
Conference participants could pledge to:

  • Implement the Safer Access Framework to improve acceptance, safety and security, and access for National Society’s staff and volunteers
  • Develop and implement standard operating procedures (SOPs)  for ambulance services and the provision of pre-hospital care
  • Develop and implement context-specific contingency plans and other relevant procedures to respond to operational challenges in a given context
  • Implement a stress-management program (including psychosocial support and personal and operational de-briefings) for health care personnel
  • Put in place a scheme for insurance for RCRC staff and volunteers
  • Provide health care teams with personal protective equipment and training in its use as necessary.
  • Implement sustainable mechanisms to share experiences at the national/regional levels on tools and procedures developed.

Action plan

Indicator(s) which could be considered: 

  • Relevant actions and measures of the Safer Access Framework for RCRC National Societies implemented
  • Contextualized SOPs developed for ambulance services and where appropriate, shared with other stakeholders
  • Context-specific contingency plans and other relevant procedures in place
  • Policies and procedures  in place to prevent and respond to  stress  related issues for staff and volunteers
  • RCRC staff and volunteers can access insurance
  • Number of good practices available on the HCiD platform and/or other platforms
  • Initiatives put in place to exchange experiences and identify solutions to common operational issues.

Pledge data

Pledge by Pledge Administrator

Number: MP003

Country: International

Themes: Health, Health care in danger

Institution: International component

Pledge type:


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